

目前顯示的是 9月, 2008的文章


好久沒拍照,便覺面目可憎! 信仰的天空。 讀書之樂。 孤獨的晚霞。 藍天與白雲。 立體的窗影。


「我們的生活方式令人憂慮,它賦予每個人定義狹隘的角色,創造出來的條件,只利於發展我們心靈中的某些部分,即只允許我們在那一角色的侷限成長。我們心靈的其他領域日漸衰退。從此不再觸及。在這裡,心理因素和社會因素結合起來,產生憂慮、懷疑、道德沈淪與希望破滅。」 --塔可夫斯基日記(1973.01.31)


這張在胡同咖啡館外面拍的貓,超像活體抽取式面紙,在傍晚時分恰好微妙地趴在桌子正中央,完全不理會有人在旁。用手機照完回來才發現,原來貓左臂圖案花紋還不一樣呢,有一種時髦感..:D 我那時候看到這隻小狗的時候,一時沒有領會出來他可能是被車撞到,想說怎麼那麼奇怪躺在窄窄的兩個機車的夾縫間一動也不動。而且都不出聲。後來上樓後,想拿點東西給他吃,下樓時車子與狗都不見了。應該是我猜錯了,然而腦中還是浮現著狗狗一跛一跛離去的背影。

The Hill.

下面有另外一個版本,歌曲相同,但是影片穿插別人的訪談與電影片段。 訪談的主題是:在戀愛中的感覺是如何呢?(What does it feel like to be in love?) 嗯嗯,不過考驗一下英文聽力囉~.~

Empty Chairs.

Words & Music by Don McLean I feel the trembling tingle of a sleepless night Creep through my fingers and the moon is bright Beams of blue come flickering through my window pane Like gypsy moths that dance around a candle flame And I wonder if you know That I never understood That although you said you'd go Until you did I never thought you would Moonlight used to bathe the contours of your face While chestnut hair fell all around the pillow case And the fragrance of your flowers rest beneath my head A sympathy bouquet left with the love that's dead And I wonder if you know That I never understood That although you said you'd go Until you did I never thought you would Never thought the words you said were true Never thought you said just what you meant Never knew how much I needed you Never thought you'd leave, until you went Morning comes and morning goes with no regret And evening brings the memories I can't forget Empty rooms that echo as I climb the stairs A...